After the year 1989 SOU-P went through organizational changes. The most important one occurred in 1991 when the Ministry of Agriculture became the school’s founder. Due to this fact the school became a full-fledged entity. This transformation had been one of the most difficult transitions for the school through the effects of the privatization process of critical state-owned food industry companies – Mäsopriemysel Rača, Figaro, Milex, Palma. The private owners of these companies soon lost the interest and need for our graduates.
The year 1996 was another important milestone in modern history of the school when an abandoned building was received. New classrooms and workshops were opened for our students. Later that year the school received another building on Na Pántoch 20 where new workshops for the butchery students were opened. A microbiological laboratory was built and funded with school finances only.
Since 2002 more significant organizational changes have taken place. SOU-P has become a part of new authority of autonomous Bratislava region. Due to this change the school has built a completely new profile and it has become one of the best secondary vocational schools in the Bratislava region. The classrooms and workshops have been transformed into very well equipped and the interest of studying at SOŠ has grown significantly.
Since 2013 The Secondary Vocational School on Farského 9 has served as a centre of vocational education and training for the food industry.
The Secondary School of Gastronomy and Hotel Services on Farského 9 in Bratislava does not provide any forms of Dual Study Program in the school year 2016.